Psychological & Educational Testing

I offer comprehensive educational and psychological evaluations for children, teens and adults. Each test battery is tailored to the individual based on specific questions or concerns. My comprehensive evaluation includes a detailed clinical interview, a structured diagnostic assessment using standardized testing materials, and the collection of collateral information from other professionals involved in the individual’s education or treatment (such as teachers, physicians, or therapists)- and if needed, I also conduct a school observation.  At the conclusion of the evaluation, the client will receive verbal feedback on the evaluation, and a detailed written report that includes recommendations for specific services and interventions.


Types of testing:

  • Attention/ADHD testing examines both auditory and visual concentration and attention over short and sustained periods.

  • Cognitive testing provides the foundation for understanding how an individual processes information in the areas of verbal comprehension, working memory, perceptual reasoning, and processing speed.

  • Academic testing examines areas of learning such as reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics abilities.

  • Emotional testing examines a person’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and interpersonal interactions in order to understand emotional or social difficulties, unhealthy behavior patterns, or obstacles to growth.

  • Executive/Neuro-processing testing examines a wide range of skills that are centered around organization, planning, visual-motor integration skills which are essential for academic success.